The Creation of liFe

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to ends of the world.”

Psalm 19:1-3

“I believe in one God, Creator of the Universe. That he governs the
World by his Providence. That he ought to be worshiped.
That the most acceptable Service we can render him,
is doing good to his other Children…”
Benjamin Franklin

Creation, Day Two” by Nathan Greene, ©, All Rights Reserved, Used By Permission.

“By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, And all the host of them, by the breath of His mouth… For He spoke, and it came to be, He commanded,
and it stood firm.”
Psalms 33:6, 9

No evidence, scientific or otherwise, exists indicating some biological life form created itself, accidentally, from inert, non-living chemical matter— even in some obscure, deep time-moment.

Scientists Stanley Miller and Harold Urey tried to create life from non-life, in a University of Chicago lab, in 1952, but reported failure the next year.
The historic record contains written evidence revealing the source of “original, unborrowed, underrived” human life. Scores of eyewitnesses to Jesus’ crucifixion later saw the resurrected Christ during the 40-days following His death.

Life, on earth, thrives in a masterfully designed ecosystem where fully developed, co-dependent plants and animals thrive simultaneously in a custom-designed environment sheltered within an atmosphere shielded from deadly radiation thanks to the strategically placed Van Allen belt.

Luck of the draw first life, followed by a gradual evolution of plant and animal life forms, falls short of the ecosystem imperative for life to exist. In contrast, the Scriptural narrative describes a Creator who “spoke and it was done, commanded and stood firm” —the complete, fully-functioning ecosystem was created in a week of 24-hour, literal days.

Evolution’s time card diversion does nothing to explain the source of Earth’s original first life. Radiometric dating is plagued by imprecise anomalies. More significantly, equating the date of a fossil’s burial with the radiometric age of the burial site is flawed assumption. This extrapolation lacks both logic and scientific verification.

Think about it!

When a deceased family pet is buried somewhere in the “back forty,” it makes no sense to suggest the pet’s date of death matches the radiometric age allocated to the burial site. Nor is it rational to conclude a fossil dinosaur femur’s date of burial correlates with the radiometric date of the Wyoming cemetery turf where it was discovered.

So much for irrelevant, deep time diversion from the core issue: How and when did biological life originate on Planet Earth without input from the Creator/Intelligent Designer? The no-answer silence deafens.

The Genesis narrative describes cosmic reality at the beginning of creation week. What was to become Planet Earth, throbbing with plant and animal life, existed as a chunk of water-covered, inert chemical matter, floating in black darkness for an indeterminate period of time!

“Now the earth was formless and empty,
darkness was over the surface of the deep,
and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”
Genesis 1:2

Seven days later, at the command of Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe, a tiny blue dot, awash with life, owned its own Solar System trajectory, orbiting in sync with an entire Universe in precise, predictable motion.

Several thousand years before the present, at God’s command, the first human ancestor couple, formed in the “image of God”, were awarded a garden home on this newly created Planet, a pristine, living paradise of perfection.

The Genesis narrative of the creation-week event makes no reference to the age of the Earth. God introduced a time calculation mechanism in the format of days, seasons and years marked by the rising and setting sun.

It’s a presumptive stretch to suggest the entire Universe was created simultaneously during the creation of life on Earth. It should be obvious to objective Bible scholars that God is eternal and that created angels, and their heavenly home, pre-existed creation of original life on Earth. Cosmic distance, measured by the speed of light, offers persuasive evidence that millions of galaxies existed prior to the creation of Earth and its functioning ecosystem.

Given the speed of light and the millions of light year distance beteeb Earth and the unnumbered multiple of galaxies, it seems less than rational to suggest the eternal God waited until creation of life on Earth before creating, concurrently, a Universe of galaxies.

The rich, spiritual meaning of the Christian Gospel has no need to define the age of the Earth or the Universe. Human knowledge is no more capable of defining the precise year of creation week than pinpointing the edge of the universe (if there is one) or what exists beyond that undefined edge.

Engaging in virtually irrelevant, diversionary rhetoric relating to unproven and unknowable chronological issues detracts from the power, purpose and glorious beauty of the Christian Gospel.

The miraculous beginning of human life; Christ‘s ministry, death and His miraculous resurrection; the good news of access to a transformed life topped by life eternal, defines a “peace that passes all understanding,” available to every human who has lived on Earth.

Bottom line: All life on Planet Earth was created by a loving, just, all-powerful God Almighty, thousands of years before the present. The Gospel offers the greatest story ever told featuring the greatest life ever lived.


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