Gerald A. Kerkut, Ph.D.

Zoologist, Physiologist

Pembroke College, University of Cambridge (1945-1952)

Ph.D. – Zoology

University of Southampton (1952-1992)

Established the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry
Professor of Physiology and Biochemistry (1966-1992)
Dean of the Faculty of Science (1978-1981)
Chairman, School of Biochemical and Physiological Sciences (1980-1981)
Head of the Department of Neurophysiology (1978-1990)

“Basic Assumptions”

“There are… seven basic assumptions that are often not mentioned during discussions of Evolution… These are as follows:

  • The first assumption is that non living things gave rise to living material, i.e. spontaneous generation occurred.
  • The second assumption is that spontaneous generation occurred only once. The other assumptions all follow from the second one.
  • The third assumption is that viruses, bacteria, plants and animals are all interrelated.
  • The fourth assumption is that the Protozoa gave rise to the Metazoa.
  • The fifth assumption is that the various invertebrate phyla are interrelated.
  • The sixth assumption is that the invertebrates gave rise to the vertebrates.
  • The seventh assumption is that within the vertebrates the fish gave rise to the amphibia, the amphibia to the reptiles, and the reptiles to the birds and mammals. Sometimes this is expressed in other words, i.e. that the modern amphibia and reptiles had a common ancestral stock…”

“For the initial purposes of this discussion on Evolution I shall consider that the supporters of the theory of Evolution hold that all these seven assumptions are valid, and that these assumptions form the ‘General Theory of Evolution.’”

“…These seven assumptions by their nature are not capable of experimental verification. They assume that a certain series of events has occurred in the past…

* Gerald A. Kerkut, PhD, Implications of Evolution (New York, Pergamon Press, 1965) 6, 7.

Implications of evolution (International series of monographs on pure and applied biology. Division: Zoology)
AuthorGerald A. Kerkut
Hardcover: 174 pages
Publisher: Pergamon Press (1965)
Language: English
Price: Various, available used through Amazon

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