
A Treasury of Truth,
Accessible Globally, 24/7

“At this moment it seems as though science will never be able to raise the curtain on the mystery of creation. For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; his about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”

“At this moment it seems as though science will never be able to raise the curtain on the mystery of creation. For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; his about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”

Darwin, spinner of unsubstantiated imaginings, recognized “Science as yet throws no light on the far higher problem of the essence or origin of life.” Bereft of evidence supporting the origin of first life by accident, he confessed, “I am quite conscious that my speculations run beyond the bounds of true science.”

Genesis recognizes human life exists as a complex blend of body, mind, and soul, created by God in His own image, and that meaningful analysis of mankind’s origin, purpose, and destiny requires correlation of evidence from disciplines of science, history, and the Bible to discover big picture truth.

Genesis presents academically precise evidence indicating human life did not create itself, or evolve, from non-living matter, but was designed and spoken into life at the command of Almighty God. Scientific and historic record exposes the glaring shortfall of evolution theory while confirming the Genesis narrative of in the context of the raging Cosmic War between good and evil.

Genesis champions the dignity and brotherhood of humankind while remaining independent of partisan politics or sectarian religion. It stands tall supporting the simple beauty of Christianity while opposing the cultural evils of racism, gross immorality, blatant lack of integrity, encroachments on free speech in the pursuit of truth and assaults on religious liberty.

Genesis editorial policy requires website data be presented with academic precision, in a format designed to be understood by the general public. The site is designed to be updated regularly. Viewer response is invited where there is notice of factual error; news of cutting-edge scientific or other landmark discoveries as well as news of articles, books, or websites worthy of reference. The dedicated theme of Genesis File is to point to “The Way,” a trail to abundant living, blazed by the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

This website is a privately owned and financed, educational entity, dedicated to telling the world the truth about God. The website is edited and managed by volunteers; it is accessible globally, free of charge, 24/7; log-in does not require passwords; the website is accessible without giving money, ID’s, or emails.

Salvation is free. Jesus paid the price, in-full, for all sinners. Christ’s confrontation with the Temple money-changers put money and human greed in perspective. Genesis File does not exist for any commercial purpose or financial benefit. Contributions are not solicited nor expected.

Jesus is God’s greatest gift to mankind. It would seem sacrilegious to commercialize this forever gift of unimaginable love. God’s gift to is cost-free. Viewer support can be best expressed by contributing personal time and resources for the benefit of hurting humans such as those described by Christ in Matthew 25.

Genesis File welcomes short, fully documented op eds to be considered for website publication. Submissions require the name, resume, and recent photo of the author; assurance that all content is original and factually true to the best information and belief of the author; that all quoted data is properly credited by endnote reference to sources; that nothing infringes on any copyright or is in conflict with any ownership claim; is not slanderous and that Genesis File is given absolute, exclusive authority and discretion to edit, to publish or not to publish, all or part of any submission. Unsolicited submissions will not be compensated.

Evildoers have plagued societies for millenniums. But in a time when knowledge has increased radically and benefits proliferate, “where much has been given, much is expected.” In a materialistic, immoral culture where criminal gangs smash, grab and steal costly merchandise from retailers, God’s priceless gift of “salvation is free, for you and for me.”

Genesis File exists exclusively to open hearts to “The Way” offered by God’s forever gift of love, marked by Jesus Christ’s perfect life or righteousness, ministry, unselfish death, and miraculous resurrection. Salvation cannot be bought or sold, nor can it be imposed by government edict. God’s gift of forever life is available, free of charge, only by an individual’s choice to repent of evil doings, to remain faithful to Jesus and to obey God’s commandments by lives that radiate God’s character of love, inspired by His Holy Spirit.

The one true Church is invisible, with membership known only to God the Creator and the righteous Judge. These men, women and children, from all times, places, nationalities and races are those who “obey the commandments of God and remain faithful to Jesus.” Revelation 14:12