Life Cannot Create Itself
From Non-living Matter

by James Tour  – Synthetic Organic Scientist

Creation, Day Two” by Nathan Greene, ©, All Rights Reserved, Used By Permission.

A ninety-year-old William Shatner experienced a deep emotional reaction following his brief visit to the edge of space, October 13, 2021. The legendary “Captain Kirk” shed a few tears after being exposed to the “ugly, palpable blackness” of space compared to the “beauty” but sadly deteriorating condition of Planet Earth.

“The Universe is beyond…interesting, beyond… mesmerizing. It’s the total of non-knowledge of that black. But in that moment, the sun shining in my face, all it was, was palpable blackness–ugly, evil, ominous blackness.

“…I was hit in the face with that, and then I was hit in the face with the beauty, and the gentleness and the nurturing of the Earth. And I saw death and I saw life–for me as well as for the Earth. And I felt such sadness, empathy, sorrow for the Earth. The Earth is less bright than it used to be…

“…I know the death and destruction that’s going on; one species, millions of species are disappearing. The beauty of the Earth that fostered all this gorgeous stuff, this intricate gorgeousness of life following life is disappearing, and it will disappear–at least we, as witnesses will disappear.

“And I wept for that too. And when I landed, I was so filled with that emotion of life and death of everything and the sorrow for the planet, I was overwhelmed and it took me 15-20 minutes before I could recapture myself.”

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